Thursday 6 September 2012

Emerging Kerala


Kerala, the State in India that occupies the number two position in Investment Climax Index is on a march to be the number one.

Besides acclaimed for its sheer natural beauty and vibrant cultural fabric, Kerala these days is also getting noted for its range of top-class infrastructure; some of which are unparalleled.

With a well-trained human resource pool to meet the demand of global business needs; Kerala hogs the limelight among the states in India for certain unique advantages and facilities.

It has the first and only International Container Transshipment Terminal….three international airports with the fourth one taking wings….India’s only spot where both submarine cables SEA-ME-WE3 and SAFE land... the only full-fledged Marina in India….highest density of science and technology personnel in India.

With a coastline of nearly 590 km, it has a major port at Kochi and 16 smaller ports along the coast. Its rail and road connectivity is one of the best in India.

Kerala pioneered the concept of dedicated infrastructure with the setting up of Technopark – the first of its kind in the country. It is also home to the second LNG regassification terminal.

When it comes to centres of excellence, apart from the Indian Institute of Management and the National Institute of Technology, Kerala also has institutes such as the Indian Institute of Space and Technology and Indian Institute of Science Education and Research.

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